What Is Breathwork Training?

What Is Breathwork Training?

Breathwork Training is a type of yoga instructor or personal trainer training that teaches you how to lead people through a specific breath technique or practice. Some programs can be completed over the course of a weekend workshop, while others may require years of self-study and practice. When choosing a program, consider the amount of time you’re willing to devote to it and how much the cost will impact your budget.

You don’t need to subscribe to a particular spiritual belief system to participate in or provide Breath Masters , but it can be an incredibly deep and transformative experience for many individuals. It’s also important to understand how different breathing techniques can affect people differently. For example, Therese Cator, a certified breathwork teacher, says that she avoids using counted pauses between inhaling and exhaling because it can be stressful for people who are not accustomed to the sensations or have trauma in their bodies.

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You can incorporate breathwork into your one-on-one sessions with clients and students or offer it to them as a stand-alone method. It’s an effective tool for helping people feel more connected to their bodies, reducing stress levels and providing opportunities to heal. Whether you’re a Yoga teacher, Bodyworker, Psychotherapist or Life Coach, The Whole Health Project Trauma Aware Breath Coach Training can give you the tools and skills to create a sensitive, trauma-aware coaching practice. Learn more about the training here.

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